Soha Ali Khan Makes a Fitness Comeback: Crushing Post-Diwali Calories with Knuckle Push-Ups and Chest Presses!

Soha Ali Khan Makes a Fitness Comeback: Soha Ali Khan is super serious about staying fit, and she’s not shy about sharing her workout routines. Recently, she posted a video after Diwali, showing how she gets back into her fitness groove.

Soha Ali Khan Makes a Fitness Comeback: Crushing Post-Diwali Calories with Knuckle Push-Ups and Chest Presses!
image credit sakpataudi

First, she does knuckle push-ups to strengthen her forearms without hurting her wrists. Then, she hits the inclined treadmill for a run that works her calves, quadriceps, and glutes. After that, she does a standing chest press for her upper body and finishes strong with a straight-arm pulldown for her back, core, and arms.

Soha Ali Khan Makes a Fitness Comeback

In another video, Soha focuses on her core. She does leg presses, backbends for flexibility, and some seriously challenging declined push-ups using a machine rod. The session ends with declined jumping jacks to boost overall strength and balance.

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Soha Ali Khan takes her fitness seriously and would give even the most serious fitness enthusiasts a run for their money. How do we know this for sure? Well, she told us herself in this exclusive interview, not too long ago. Watch this video to find out more about her post-pregnancy workout routine, her favourite way to work out with daughter Inaaya and so many more insights into the actress-author’s life.

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