First Deatil Of Indiana Jones Game Will Release On January 18, At Developer Direct

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First Deatil Of Indiana Jones Game!

So, Mark your calendars for January 18th, because that’s when Bethesda will finally lift the lid on their mysterious Indiana Jones game at the Developer Direct showcase.

We’ve been waiting patiently for any scraps of information since the game was first announced in January 2021, but Bethesda has been tight-lipped so far. The only clue we have is a brief teaser trailer that shows Indy’s hat, whip, and other iconic gear.

The Developer Direct event will hopefully give us a proper look at the game, including its story, setting, gameplay, and maybe even a release date.

Here’s what we’re hoping to learn:

  • What’s the story? Is it a new adventure set after the movies, or will it revisit a classic like Raiders of the Lost Ark?
  • Where will we go? Will we explore familiar locations like the Temple of Doom or venture into uncharted territory?
  • How will we play? Will it be an action-adventure game like the old LucasArts classics, or something more open-world and expansive?
  • When can we play it? A release date would be the ultimate cherry on top!

Even if we don’t get answers to all of our questions, I’m sure the first details about Bethesda’s Indiana Jones game will be enough to get us excited.

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