Tesla is calling back Autopilot software in 2 Million vehicles

Tesla is calling back Autopilot software: Tesla, the big name in electric cars, recently hit a speed bump. On a not-so-great Tuesday, they had to tweak over two million cars. Regulators wanted to make sure folks stay focused while using Tesla’s Autopilot, a cool system that steers and brakes on its own.

Tesla is calling back Autopilot software in 2 Million vehicles
Tesla is calling back Autopilot software (Image Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times)

This isn’t Tesla’s first rodeo—they’ve had four updates in less than two years. This time, it covers almost all their cars, including the popular Model Y SUV. More info about Tesla is calling back Autopilot software in 2 Million vehicles.

Tesla is calling back Autopilot software

It all started when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) took a deep dive into Tesla’s Autopilot in August 2021. They wanted to know if it’s causing accidents. Autopilot is like a super-smart co-pilot, steering and braking on highways. But, surprise! Tesla and NHTSA don’t see eye to eye on how well it works.

Matthew Wansley, a car tech expert, says keeping the investigation going is a big deal. It’s like a game of tug-of-war between the government and companies creating self-driving tech.

In California, the big sheriff said, “Hold your horses!” to Cruise, a car company under General Motors. They had to stop their self-driving taxis in San Francisco because of some accidents, like a Cruise car dragging someone after a crash. Ouch!

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Now, Tesla is trying to jazz up Autopilot. They’re adding flashy warnings and strict checks for the part that keeps the car on track, called Autosteer. But, there’s a catch: if you don’t take the wheel when you should, there’s a higher chance of a crash, says NHTSA.

The investigation started with 11 cases of Tesla cars doing their own thing with Autosteer. After some talks, Tesla decided to do a recall. But, hold on—the investigation isn’t done yet, and it’s been going on for three years!

NHTSA wants us to know that cool tech is awesome, but it needs to be used wisely. Tesla’s boss, Elon Musk, is keeping quiet about the whole thing.

Tesla is calling back Autopilot software (Image Credit Hannah Yoon for The New York Times)

NHTSA dug into 956 crashes with Autopilot and narrowed it down to 322 serious ones. Now, Tesla is sending out updates to some cars this week. Others will get it later for free. The update adds more controls and warnings for Autosteer. If drivers keep goofing around, they might lose access to this feature.

In February, Tesla owners will get a letter about the update. This recalibration is just one part of Tesla’s rollercoaster journey. A jury in California said Tesla’s fancy driving software wasn’t to blame for a crash in October.

Recalls are like a broken record for Tesla. In China, they had to pull back 1.1 million cars because of acceleration and braking issues. And before that, 362,000 cars with an advanced system called Full Self Driving got recalled because it upped the risk of accidents. This system is like Autopilot’s cooler sibling, trying to tackle city streets and highways.

But, here’s the kicker—the fancy system allowed cars to break the rules, speeding and rolling through intersections like rebels. Tesla had to recall 54,000 cars to fix that.

Tesla sells Full Self Driving separately, but both it and Autopilot share the same tech roots. Even if you don’t have the fancy one, you could still use Autopilot on regular roads. Now, Tesla wants to make sure drivers know when it’s okay to use Autopilot outside of highways. The big question: can you still use it?

NHTSA is the sheriff in this town, making sure Tesla focuses on the right things, according to Mr. Wansley. But, as always, the real scoop lies in the details yet to unfold.

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